I am Aditya

A programmer, traveler & wannabe chef

Machine Learning Enthusiast, Computer Science Graduate student at University of Texas at Dallas.

Languages : C, Python , R , Matlab , Octave , C++, Java, PHP , HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Data Science Languages and Tools : Octave , R , Scikit-learn , Pandas , Spark, Hadoop, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, SQL
IDE/Editor : Eclipse, Vim, IntelliJ Idea
OS : Linux, Windows

What I do

Statistical Analysis and Modelling

love modelling and analyzing patterns in the data,check out the link below to see some of my past projects

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Web Apps Dev

working on some projects, checkout the link below

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Mobile Apps dev

developed a couple of android apps. checkout the link below

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Miscellaneous Projects

like working my own side projects as a hobby, recently worked on creating my own query language in python.check out the link below

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